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Wildlife Trailing Certification with David Moskowitz

Spend two days in the field with professional wildlife tracker and educator David Moskowitz in this Cybertracker certification course .


Class size is limited to 4 people; lodging and food not provided. 
This course fills quickly — early registration recommended.
If you have questions, please email

At a CyberTracker Trailing Evaluation, every participant takes a turn as lead tracker. The goal is to follow an animal’s fresh spoor to locate it on the landscape, guide the group to approach and observe it, and, finally, to exit the area without alerting the animal to any human presence. Every tracking situation is different, so we are always in the position of having to “figure it out.” This uniqueness also results in variations to the exact experience of each participant, dictated by field conditions and animal behavior.

We assess every participant’s ability to follow spoor, recognize and interpret tracks & sign, anticipate where the trail is going, read the trail for danger, interpret the ecological context of the trail, and approach the animal, if the occasion arises.

Meet David Moskowitz…
A photographer, naturalist, and educator, David has an approach that is highly interactive; he actively engages participants in identification and interpretation of tracks and signs, and allows plenty of time for questions and discussion.

David is a Senior Tracker through Cybertracker Conservation.

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